This poem is written by Dr. Eric Scalise, the lead course developer of Lifeline to Hope. It’s included in the Caregiver Training Manual in our Lifeline video course on lay caregiving. We hope this poem is an encouraging reminder of the grace and compassion God has for you – and how He wants us to see others through His eyes.
“The LORD does not look at the things people look at.
People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
(1 Samuel 16:7)
The Eyes of Christ
by Eric Scalise
The world saw only that Jesus was eating with tax gatherers and sinners … but Jesus saw people in need of the great physician.
The world saw only a blind beggar named Bartimaeus, shouting above the crowd and disturbing those around Him … but Jesus saw a man reaching out in faith and in need of mercy.
The world saw only a group of children, annoying the Master … but Jesus saw their innocent trust and a kingdom that belonged to such as these.
The world saw only a crooked tax gatherer named Zacchaeus, becoming rich through the suffering of others … but Jesus saw a man ready to be broken with an act of repentance.
The world saw only the crowds pressing in on Him from all sides … but Jesus sensed the touch of His garment by a trembling woman.
The world saw only five loaves and two fish to feed so many … but Jesus saw a great multitude hungry and in need of compassion.
The world saw only the woman caught in the very act of adultery and deserving condemnation … but Jesus saw a daughter in need of forgiveness.
The world saw only a robber crucified as a common thief … but Jesus saw a lost soul worth dying for.
The world sees only a man dying with AIDS and whispers that he probably deserves it … but Jesus sees someone who’s alone and afraid of dying.
The world sees only the alcoholic, lost and groping in the darkness … but Jesus sees someone whose life can be restored.
The world sees only the Christian leader who has stumbled badly and fallen before the eyes of so many … but Jesus sees someone who is worthy of His grace and help in time of need.
The world sees only the prostitute standing on the corner … but Jesus sees a little girl who was sexually abused and desperate for a father’s love.
The world sees only the rebellious teenager wanting to end his life … but Jesus sees someone who has never been accepted and starving for approval.
The world sees only the color of someone’s skin … but Jesus sees a vessel fearfully and wonderfully made, created in the image of Almighty God.
The world sees only the woman who is always anxious and depressed … but Jesus sees the single mom struggling to survive and needing the support and understanding of others.
The world sees only the throwaways in prison, the crippled, the poor and the homeless … but Jesus sees precious souls that have yet to be invited to the banqueting table.
Lifeline to Hope is a 10-session video course on biblical caregiving. You can choose between our Lifeline to Hope Self-Study for individuals or Group Study for churches, organizations, or small groups. These are valuable ministry tools that are equipping the church to meet the growing mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of our time.

“With God all things are possible.”
(Mark 10:27)