Hope Talks
A New Podcast from Hope for the Heart
Hope Talks is a weekly podcast where hosts Haley Scully and Dustin Anderson share with you what the Bible says about real life issues with compassion, warmth, and wit.
With decades of experience in counseling, writing, training, and serving in ministry, Haley and Dustin will share stories and insights to help you apply God’s Word to everyday challenges like anxiety, grief, anger, abuse, marriage, parenting, and more.
So you have every reason for hope, for every challenge in life.
Because hope means everything.

How Dr. Curt Thompson Found Hope in Christ – Episode 37
January 30, 2024
In this episode, Haley and Dustin are joined by Dr. Curt Thompson. He is a Christian psychiatrist, speaker, host of the Being Known podcast, and author of numerous books, including The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope.
Dr. Thompson shares his story of hope and how the close relationships in his life have helped cultivate his hope in the Lord. He also shares how hope is not just something we “have” in Christ but something we “form” by embracing our suffering, sharing our story, and allowing ourselves to be loved by God and others.
How Glenda Scully Found Hope in Christ – Episode 36
January 23, 2024
In this special episode, Haley’s mom joins us on the podcast!
Glenda Scully shares how she found hope in Christ when her granddaughter was diagnosed with leukemia and later when her husband was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. She also discusses the importance of using your gifts to serve the Lord as well as the need for senior adult ministries in local churches.
Guarding Your Heart – Episode 35
January 16, 2024
Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
In this episode, Haley and Dustin discuss the concept of guarding your heart – what it means, what it doesn’t mean, and why it’s important to our spiritual growth. With personal stories and biblical insights, they also share how to practically guard your heart from harmful (and seemingly harmless) influences.
How Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg Found Hope in Christ – Episode 34
January 9, 2024
In this episode, Haley and Dustin sit down with dear friends Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg. They are the co-founders of America’s Family Coaches, conference speakers, executive life and marriage coaches, award-winning authors, broadcasters, and hosts of The Rosbergs: Your Marriage Coaches podcast.
Gary and Barb share their hope story of how the Lord redeemed their marriage during a season when Gary was focused on his doctoral studies. It’s a heartfelt story of not losing sight of what truly matters. They also share practical guidance on how to keep marriages strong and why guarding your heart is key to spiritual growth.
Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes – Episode 33
January 2, 2024
Based on June Hunt’s 31-day interactive devotional, Haley and Dustin discuss the concept of seeing yourself through God’s eyes. This is a life-changing concept and spiritual discipline that can help you embrace your identity in Christ, correct underlying negative thoughts, and grow in your walk with the Lord.
How June Hunt Shares the Hope of Christ – Episode 32
December 26, 2024
In this episode, Haley and Dustin welcome back June Hunt, the founder of Hope for the Heart.
June shares lessons she learned from her mother on how to be a witness to an unbelieving spouse. With personal stories and biblical insights, June also discusses how to share the gospel with others.
Listen now – it’s an encouraging conversation and practical discussion on how to share your faith with unbelieving friends and family.
How Gareth Russell Found Hope in Christ – Episode 31
December 19, 2024
In this episode, Haley and Dustin sit down with Gareth Russell, the CEO of Jersey Road, a PR and communications agency based in the UK. Gareth shares his story of how he found hope in Christ in the aftermath of losing both of his parents within the span of six months. His story of grief is an encouraging reminder of the hope we have in Christ and of the influence of godly role models.
As someone who works with churches and Christian organizations all over the world, Gareth also shares about his unique calling as well as some of the challenges and opportunities facing Christians and the media today.
How Afshin Ziafat Found Hope in Christ – Episode 30
December 12, 2024
In this episode, Haley and Dustin sit down with Afshin Ziafat, the lead pastor of Providence Church in Frisco, TX.
Afshin shares his story of how he came to faith in Christ growing up in a Muslim family and how he found hope in Christ during a series of trials during the pandemic. With biblical insight and pastoral guidance, he also shares how we can persevere through trials and ministry while maintaining hope in the gospel.
God’s Purposes in Trials – Episode 29
December 5, 2024
Why me? Why this? Why now?
Trials are inevitable in life, but hope is available in Christ.
In this episode, Haley and Dustin discuss what the Bible says about the purpose of trials and how they can help us grow in spiritual maturity. They share some common misconceptions about trials, how we can respond to hardships, and how God’s Word can shift our perspective and give us hope during trials.
Subscribe to the podcast and tune in each week as Haley and Dustin share with you what the Bible says about real-life issues with compassion, warmth, and wit.
Growing in Gratitude – Episode 28
November 27, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving!
As Christians, we are called to be grateful. But it’s not always easy.
In this episode, Haley and Dustin reflect on what the Bible says about being thankful and some of the roadblocks that make gratitude difficult at times. With personal stories and helpful insights, they share some practical ways to grow in gratitude and give thanks to the Lord in all things.
How Colton Kyle Found Hope in Christ – Episode 27
November 21, 2024
Walking through any type of trauma, grief, or trial is not easy … especially when you’re young.
In this episode of Hope Talks, Haley and Dustin sit down with Colton Kyle, the son of American Sniper Chris Kyle and Taya Kyle.
Colton shares his story of navigating grief and finding his calling as a young man in the aftermath of his father’s tragic death. He also discusses the importance of faith and gratitude, as well as having godly family and mentors in our spiritual walk. It’s an encouraging conversation on how the Lord can make beauty from the ashes – and to pursue Him even in the face of tragedy.
Reflecting on the Hope of Christmas – Episode 26
November 14, 2024
Merry Christmas!
In preparation for the holidays, Haley and Dustin reflect on the Christmas story and the hope we have because of the first and second coming of Jesus. They also discuss family, Christmas traditions, and share some reflections from the new Hope for the Heart Christmas devotional, “The God of Hope.” See link below for devotional.
Subscribe to the podcast and tune in each week as Haley and Dustin share with you what the Bible says about real-life issues with compassion, warmth, and wit.
Hope Together with Dwight Bain – Episode 25
November 7, 2024
In this special episode, Haley and Dustin sit down with Dwight Bain at the 2024 Hope Together Conference. This is part four of a short series with guest speakers and interviews from the conference.
Dwight Bain is a sought-after counselor, life coach, author, broadcaster, and speaker. Dwight specializes in stress management, mental health, personal and organizational change, and coaching leaders.
Dwight shares how he found hope in Christ at a young age and knew he was called to Christian counseling and broadcasting even as a 9-year-old boy. In a wide-ranging discussion, they discuss tips for managing our mental health, the power of story, common barriers to making lasting change, and how life coaches and counselors can be a key factor to help people make needed changes in life.
Hope Together with Marcus Warner – Episode 24
October 31, 2024
In this special episode, Haley and Dustin sit down with Marcus Warner, who spoke and led a workshop at our 2024 Hope Together Conference. This is part three of a short series with guest speakers and interviews from the conference.
Marcus is the President of Deeper Walk International, a ministry that helps people identify and overcome the obstacles to a deeper walk with God. He also co-hosts the On the Trail podcast with his daughter, Stephanie.
Marcus shares his story of finding hope during a period of loneliness while in seminary and moving from a fear-based relationship with God to a joy-filled one. Marcus also helps us make sense of spiritual warfare, providing biblical insights and practical steps to respond to a spiritual attack.
Hope Together with Dr. Joshua Straub – Episode 23
October 24, 2024
In this special episode, Haley and Dustin sit down with Dr. Joshua Straub at our 2024 Hope Together Conference. This is part two of a short series with guest speakers and interviews from the conference. Dr. Straub and his wife, Christi, are co-founders of Famous at Home, a ministry focused on helping families become stronger and healthier through biblical resources, coaching, and more.
Joshua shares how he found hope in Christ during a difficult season when he and Christi first became parents. They also discuss the stresses and difficulties facing many families today, along with the cultural shifts that have led to much of our stress today. With personal stories and practical steps from God’s Word, Joshua shares how we can strengthen our families and find rest in our noisy, busy world.
Hope Together with Aubrey Sampson – Episode 22
October 17, 2024
In this special episode, Haley and Dustin share Aubrey Sampson’s keynote message from our 2024 Hope Together Conference. This is part one of a short series with guest speakers and interviews from the conference.
In her message, Aubrey walks through the story of the woman at the well in John 4. With biblical insights and historical context, Aubrey highlights what this story teaches us about the humility, integrity, and love of Jesus. It’s an encouraging message and reminder of how the Lord meets us in our pain and heals our past wounds.
Walking Worthy of the Lord – Episode 21
October 10, 2024
The Bible says the Lord is “worthy of praise” (Psalm 18:3) and calls us to “walk in a manner worthy of the Lord” (Colossians 1:10).
Inspired by the worship song “Who Else” by Gateway Worship, Haley and Dustin talk through some of the lyrics and biblical concepts of the song. They discuss the role of music in our spiritual formation, how Jesus is worthy of all our worship, and what it means to “walk in a manner worthy of the Lord” (Colossians 1:10). It’s an encouraging conversation about the Lord and how we can live in light of all that Jesus has done for us.
Caring for Your Mental Health – Episode 20
October 3, 2024
In light of World Mental Health Day on October 10, Haley and Dustin discuss why the Bible is important in addressing mental health.
With biblical insights and practical tips, they share how we can take care of our own mental health, how to help others who are struggling, and how the tools and resources of Hope for the Heart can help people address mental health issues with God’s Word.
Keys to Conflict Resolution – Episode 19
September 26, 2024
Conflicts are inevitable – in marriage, parenting, work, church, or any relationship. Yet we often avoid them, and we don’t know how to handle them.
In this episode, Haley and Dustin discuss healthy and unhealthy ways to manage conflict, along with reasons why we often avoid conflict. They share insightful stories and practical tips from the Bible, focusing on Proverbs, on how we can navigate conflicts in a way that honors God and brings peaceful resolution.
Finding Freedom in Forgiveness – Episode 18
September 19, 2024
The thought of forgiving the person who hurt you (or your loved ones) can seem unthinkable, unfair, and unequivocally wrong. For many, the pain is just too real. However, forgiveness is at the heart of God’s character. It’s why Jesus came. And it’s at the heart of healing, growth, and freedom.
In this episode, Haley and Dustin discuss what forgiveness is, and what is it NOT, along with the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation. They also share common misconceptions about forgiveness, why forgiving is difficult, why it’s important, and how to do it. If you struggle with receiving forgiveness from God or extending forgiveness to others, then listen and gain biblical insights and practical steps to help you walk in the freedom of forgiveness.
How Lee Strobel Found Hope in Christ – Episode 17
September 12, 2024
Famous atheist-turned-Christian and best-selling author of The Case for Christ Lee Strobel joins Haley and Dustin on this episode of Hope Talks.
Lee shares his story of how he had a near-death experience due to a medical event and how it ultimately solidified his hope in Christ. With personal insights, inspiring stories, and solid evidence – Lee also shares on the importance of apologetics in the Christian life. Listen and be encouraged – this is an uplifting conversation on how our hope is real, how God can change a person’s life, and how to reach others for Christ.
Apologetics: Giving Reasons for Our Hope – Episode 16
September 5, 2024
The Bible says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15). As believers we do not have a blind faith or a foundation-less hope. There are many reasons why the Christian faith is true and our hope is real. That’s what apologetics is all about – helping us defend and explain our faith with reason and evidence.
In this episode, Haley and Dustin explain why apologetics is important for our spiritual growth and for helping others understand the reasons for our hope in Christ. They also discuss some common arguments for the existence of God, the reliability of the Bible, and the resurrection of Jesus, along with practical tips for sharing your faith and engaging in apologetic discussions.
How Eric Scalise Found Hope in Christ – Episode 15
August 29, 2024
Special guest Dr. Eric Scalise, President of Hope for the Heart, joins Haley and Dustin to share his story of how he found hope in Christ amidst an unusual upbringing. The son of a diplomat, Eric lived in multiple countries and shared the unique experiences he had growing up and how the Lord often interrupted his plans and directed his steps.
It’s an encouraging conversation and reminder of how the Lord guides our path, often in unexpected ways, but always shows Himself to be faithful … even amidst trials, confusion, and pain.
How Aubrey Sampson Found Hope in Christ – Episode 14
August 22, 2024
Special guest Aubrey Sampson joins Haley and Dustin to share her story of how she found hope in Christ while grieving multiple losses and major life changes. It’s an encouraging conversation of how the Lord meets us in our grief, along with practical steps on how to lament and grieve with hope.
Aubrey co-hosts the Nothing is Wasted podcast and has written numerous books including, The Louder Song: Listening for Hope in the Midst of Lament.
Grieving with Hope – Episode 13
August 15, 2024
Jesus is “a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:3). The experience of loss is unique to each person, and it’s not easy navigating the complexity of grief. Yet in our pain, God comforts us and walks with us. Jesus understands grief and gives us hope.
In this episode, Haley and Dustin share biblical truths that can anchor you in times of grief. They also discuss their personal stories of loss, and misconceptions about grief, and provide practical guidance on what it looks like to grieve with hope and help others who are mourning a loss.
Q&A with Haley & Dustin – Episode 12
August 8, 2024
In this episode, Haley and Dustin answer questions that listeners have submitted. They discuss how to cope with depression, practical do’s and don’ts for helping others struggling with mental health issues, as well as tips for reigniting your relationship with God during a spiritually dry season of life.
Dealing with Perfectionism – Episode 11
August 1, 2024
Do you ever feel like nothing you do is ever good enough? Like you can never meet the high expectations you set for yourself or the impossibly high standards others have placed on you?
In this episode, Haley and Dustin discuss common characteristics and causes of perfectionism, along with practical steps to break free from perfectionistic tendencies. If you struggle with perfectionism, people-pleasing, or legalism, be encouraged – there is grace for you.
How Chrystal Evans Hurst Found Hope in Christ – Episode 10
July 25, 2024
Special guest Chrystal Evans Hurst joins Haley and Dustin to share her story of how she found hope while being a single mom and trying to figure out God’s plan. It’s an encouraging conversation with helpful insights of how the Lord puts all the puzzle pieces of life together to guide us toward our purpose and calling.
Guilt, Shame & God’s Grace - Episode 9
July 17, 2024
The gospel declares we are completely forgiven in Christ. Yet, we often struggle with a sense of guilt and shame – and it impacts our lives, decisions, and our walk with the Lord.
In this episode, Haley and Dustin break down the difference between guilt and shame, along with the difference between true guilt and false guilt. With personal stories and biblical insights, they share practical steps on how to break free from guilt and shame and live in the freedom of God’s grace.
How Greg Stier Found Hope in Christ – Episode 8
July 11, 2024
Special guest Greg Stier, founder of Dare2Share Ministries, joins Haley and Dustin to share his incredible story of how he found hope in Christ amidst a violent and chaotic childhood. After radically changing Greg’s life, the Lord moved powerfully through his whole family. Greg also shares how the Lord called him to start Dare2Share ministries to equip and mobilize teens to share the gospel.
Finding Your Purpose in Life – Episode 7
July 4, 2024
Why am I here? What is my purpose? What does God want me to do? These can feel like big, overwhelming questions.
In this episode, Haley and Dustin break down the difference between purpose and calling, along with common setbacks and misconceptions we face when finding our purpose. With personal stories, biblical insights, and practical questions, Haley and Dustin share how to find and fulfill God’s purposes for your life.
Overcoming Your Fears with Faith - Episode 6
June 27, 2024
Fear often holds us back from saying or doing the things that God has called us to do. In this episode, Haley and Dustin discuss how fear can impact our lives and walk with the Lord. With personal stories and biblical insights, they also share practical steps on overcoming fear and how fear can be an opportunity for greater faith and dependence on the Lord.
How to Manage Your Anger – Episode 5
June 20, 2024
What do you do when you’re angry? How do you get it under control? In this episode, Haley and Dustin share how you can uncover the roots of your anger and provide practical steps from God’s Word on how to manage your anger.
Decision Making and Discerning God’s Will – Episode 4
June 13, 2024
What do you base your decisions on, and how do you discern God’s will for your life? Sometimes, we make decisions based on fear, guilt, shame … or what feels right, what has worked in the past, or what others want. In this episode, Haley and Dustin discuss these pitfalls and provide helpful insights from God’s Word on handling regret and unintended consequences of our choices and how to make decisions that honor the Lord.
Normalizing Hope in a Broken World – Episode 3
June 6, 2024
Haley and Dustin discuss the concept of normalizing hope – how hope is normal to the Christian life. We can sometimes focus on our struggles and difficulties so much that we forget about the hope available to us in Christ. Haley and Dustin share a few practical insights from Scripture on what it means to live with hope amidst life’s challenges.
How June Hunt Found Hope in Christ – Episode 2
June 6, 2024
Special guest June Hunt, founder of Hope for the Heart, joins Haley and Dustin to share her story of how she found hope in Christ amidst a difficult and turbulent childhood. June also shares how the Lord used her to then share hope with others who were struggling and in despair and how hope is vital to the Christian life.
Welcome to Hope Talks with Haley Scully and Dustin Anderson - Episode 1
May 30, 2024
Welcome to Hope Talks! In this pilot episode, you’ll meet hosts Haley Scully and Dustin Anderson as they discuss what the podcast is about and what you can expect each week. You’ll hear their stories of finding hope in Christ and how you can find helpful resources through the ministry of Hope for the Heart.
Hope Talks Podcast - Trailer
May 17, 2024
Have you ever hoped for something, but it didn’t happen? Did you hope for the wrong thing? Was God not faithful? What is hope? How does it work? And why does having hope matter so much to our well-being?
Have a Question for Haley and Dustin?
Each week, we’ll be addressing what God’s Word says about real life issues. If you have a question on a specific struggle or topic, let us know and we’ll try to address your question on the podcast or through our ministry resources.
About the Hosts

Haley Scully, MA, is a speaker, author, and trainer and has been with Hope for the Heart since 2011. She currently serves as the Senior Vice President, Ministry Operations. She began her work in our onsite counseling programs and moved into international ministry where she has delivered training in over 30 countries. She manages initiatives, develops partnerships, coordinates resources, and provides basic counseling, coaching, and care ministry training for church leaders and parachurch organizations around the world. Haley earned her degree in Communications from Oklahoma State University and Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Counseling from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She is passionate about connecting hurting hearts to hope in Christ and application of God’s Word to their everyday lives.

Dustin Anderson, ThM, is the Director of Communications at Hope for the Heart. He began his work at Hope for the Heart as a writer, developing content for the 100-topic Keys for Living Library. He now oversees the content strategy and communications of the ministry. He earned his Master of Theology degree in Pastoral Theology & Practice from Dallas Theological Seminary. A member of Providence Church in Frisco, TX, he has served in various lay counseling, recovery, and small group ministries for over 15 years. Dustin is passionate about helping people accept God’s grace and apply God’s Word. Native to Wisconsin, Dustin loves cold weather, cooking, and spending time with his wife and three daughters.
Disclaimer: Information, resources, and products provided by Hope for the Heart (HFTH), whether in print or electronic forms, and/or as part of any direct or affiliated website, Learning Management System, or social media platform, are general in nature and are not intended to provide or be a substitute for advice, consultation or treatment with a duly licensed mental health practitioner or other medical professional. Alert: Given the sensitive nature regarding many of the topics and issues that HFTH addresses, individuals should be aware of potential emotional and/or psychological reactions that may arise due to current or past traumatic experiences, and therefore take any appropriate precautions to safeguard one’s overall wellbeing. This information and these resources and products are intended to provide practical faith-based guidelines and biblical principles for balanced living and are not a replacement for medical advice. Professional services should be pursued whenever necessary and/or appropriate.
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