Challenging Others To Change
Have you ever known that you were on the wrong path and needed someone to help guide you? Have you unknowingly been wrong and, looking back, wish someone had intervened? Confrontation is a loving and appropriate challenge. It’s not pointing a finger at sin. It’s pointing to the truth that sets us free.
Whether or not a hearty verbal interaction appeals to you, God has given you both the duty and the ability to confront others. Think of His Word as a relational textbook. In the beginning, God set an example when He called out to Adam after the first sin. From the initial questioning in Genesis to the fiery corrections in Revelation, the Bible shows God confronting His people . . . each time with the intent of molding them into the best they can be.
God has a history of using us to keep each other on track. Listen carefully. He may be asking you to help. When you do confront someone, ask God to search your heart and make your motives pure. Then ask for wisdom, words and courage. He’ll be faithful to provide.
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